What To Know About Hormonal Acne According to a Dermatologist?

What To Know About Hormonal Acne According to a Dermatologist?

Hormonal imbalance is a common issue among middle-aged and younger women. Moreover, if you are someone who is diagnosed with PCOS, PCOD, or hyperthyroidism which are all cases of hormonal imbalance.

It is quite possible that you might also be experiencing hormonal acne. But what is hormonal acne and what does hormonal acne look like? how can you get rid of this persistent skin condition and how to clear up hormonal acne fast? Let's dive deeper and learn more about hormonal acne, its causes, and prevention.

What is Hormonal Acne? And What does Hormonal Acne look like?

Adult acne, referred to as hormonal acne, targets individuals between 20 and 50 years old. It appears in the form of pimples that vary from blackheads and whiteheads to cysts causing discomfort. This condition is caused by excessive sebum secretion- a greasy matter manufactured by skin glands that obstruct pores contributing to acne and blemishes.

The underlying cause can be deduced from the location of these cystic breakouts. Breakouts driven by hormones usually appear on the lower third of the face, including the jawline and the chin. 

Read More: What Are The Best Facials For Acne?

What causes Hormonal Acne?

Several factors can cause hormonal acne. Commonly Hormonal acne arises due to the production of oil on your skin caused by hormonal changes. Various elements that cause hormonal acne are:

  • Excess production of Sebum which is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands.
  • Dead Skin cells.
  • Micro-organisms.
  • Stress and inadequate sleep may also be influential factors.
  • Hormonal changes that occur during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, or after stopping the use of birth control.
  • Having a family history of acne can indicate a genetic predisposition.
  • Adverse reactions from pharmaceuticals, like steroids.
  • The presence of medical conditions (such as polycystic ovary syndrome and polycystic ovarian disorder) may be a contributing factor.

Prevention and Treatment of Hormonal Acne: How to clear hormonal Acne fast?

Although challenging, hormonal acne can be treated effectively by following certain recommendations from dermatologists. If you have already tried multiple treatments and are still suffering from breakouts around your jawline, neck, or lower face area. then these options are worth considering. Following are some tips and tricks for the prevention and treatment of Hormonal Acne:

Hormone Therapy:

Hormonal therapies like birth control pills and spironolactone in oral form also help in hormone regulation. Spironolactone which was initially recommended for hypertension management, has been employed as a remedy for acne and excessive hair growth in females. In instances where alternative acne therapies prove unsuccessful, spironolactone can efficiently combat severe and tender pimples situated on the lower face or neck regions. 

Disclaimer: Although it is generally secure for healthy women to use this medication; however, using birth control measures while taking spironolactone is important since failure may result in serious fetal abnormalities if conception ensues.

If you are wondering should I see a dermatologist for hormonal acne before considering a hormone therapy? It's important to consult with a dermatologist about hormone therapy to get the best treatment for your acne. They will be able to evaluate your unique situation and suggest the most appropriate course of action. 

If you're interested in exploring whether hormone-based remedies can effectively treat your skin condition, dermatological experts can help you out on this matter. 

Read More: The Difference between Hormonal and Cystic Acne

Topical Medications:

Apart from hormonal treatments, there are several topical options available that target hormones responsible for acne breakouts and offer benefits such as unclogging pores and reducing blemishes and dark spots. 

Some examples include using clascoterone cream, salicylic acid products, or azelaic acid formulations. Also, the application of topical medications and products containing ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or retinoids are commonly recommended. If applied directly to the affected skin areas these medications can be an effective option for treating acne. 

Lifestyle Improvement:

To improve your lifestyle, make sure to handle stress effectively, prioritize sufficient sleep, and use non-comedogenic skincare products that don't clog pores. Additionally, according to certain studies, a diet consisting of low-glycemic foods may have potential benefits in reducing acne. 

Oral Contraceptives:

The use of oral contraceptive pills (also known as birth control pills) has been proven to be an effective method for treating various types of acne including blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and more severe forms such as nodules and cysts. 

Certain FDA-approved oral contraceptives are specifically designed for this treatment; however, it is important to consult with a dermatologist before starting the therapy since not all women may be suitable candidates.

People may respond differently to treatments and if you are wondering “Should I see a dermatologist for hormonal acne?”. Remember seeing a dermatologist and seeking medical advice for your severe hormonal acne issues is important. Because a skin expert and dermatologist is the only person who can suggest customized treatments tailored according to your skin condition and individual needs.


On an ending note, we hope this article has all the info on what does hormonal acne look like and how to clear hormonal acne fast. Keep in mind that managing hormonal acne can be difficult and it can be challenging to know what your skin needs. However certain remedies work. But if you're encountering constant breakouts, it may be worthwhile to consult a dermatologist for customized advice and solutions.

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